
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Celebrations

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!


My Christmas was fairly uneventful, with the exception of my parent’s extremely sick cat, Charlie. We ended up having to rush him to the him to the vet this morning. Poor thing :(

Last night we celebrated Christmas Eve at my Aunt’s house. There was a ton of food; ham, green bean casserole, jello salad, cheesy potatoes, sweet potato casserole, and plenty of cookies. Unfortunately, I’m still an awful blogger and didn’t take any pictures of it. Hopefully that will change with time :).

After dinner, presents were opened.


My grandma suggested we play a fun game with a few presents. I’m not sure if it has an official name, but it involves a person picking a present and opening it. Then the next person can either take that present, or open a new one. I’ve played it at a few Christmas parties, and it’s always a blast to see what people steal from other people.

It was great to spend time with my family. Living five and a half hours away from them can make it pretty difficult to see them often.

Christmas breakfast is always a tradition at the Berg House. My mom makes this awesome baked french toast, with cream cheese and orange marmalade filling. My dad is usually in charge of making scrambled eggs and bacon. I was in charge of buying the OJ, of course. :)


After breakfast, we opened presents. My sister’s boyfriend, Eric, was in charge of taking pictures and he certainly did a good job of capturing almost every moment, including a few unflattering ones.

Unflattering moment number one… holding up a naturally nutty peanut butter while admiring my sister’s new sheets. That peanut butter is the bomb, by the way.

My parents gave me this amazing painting to put in my apartment. I can’t wait to hang it up in my living room when I get back!

Honestly, my workouts have kind of gone to the wayside since I’ve been home. Unfortunately, I don’t have easy access to a gym like I do when I’m home. I used my sister’s apartment gym a total of one time in the past week and a half since I’ve been here. At least it’s something, right? ;)

I’m hoping to change that in the next few days. I’ve never been a morning person and I don’t think I ever will be. This makes working out a little difficult when I’m at my parent’s house because I work mornings/afternoons at a local restaurant and I’m sure everyone knows how easy it is to use the excuse of being tired after a long day of work to not workout. Since I’m leaving to go downstate for the rest of my break soon, my last day of work is tomorrow. Hopefully I can get back to my regular workout schedule after that.

Anyways, enough rambling.

Merry Christmas, everyone!

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