
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Way too cold.

I have had a severe problem this week. I can’t stop being lazy. This is due, in part, to the luxurious but unintended 5 day weekend I had last week. Monday was MLK day and Tuesday and Wednesday were cold days. Let me elaborate on what a cold day is for those lucky people who don’t live in the upper peninsula of Michigan. It starts like this on a Sunday night…


…and keeps dropping to –17 degrees F (without wind chill) for three very long days. I guess the rule of thumb up here is that if it’s –25ish or lower with wind chill, they cancel classes. I think the wind chill was down to around –35 degrees on Tuesday, and it warmed up slightly on Wednesday to –25.

After my long weekend, a few of my professors cancelled classes for Thursday and Friday, so I ended up with a very short week. However, that came back to haunt me this week as my professors pound everyone with homework and lab catch-ups. This is why I cannot be lazy this week. I have been drinking coffee like there is no tomorrow, and I still can’t stay awake during the day.

I’m hoping to start getting back into the gym routine soon. I’ve decided to give myself a little credit for at least making an effort to eat healthy while I try to get my mojo back. I know that going to the gym is great for keeping your energy and mood up overall, but it’s way easier said than done.

To push myself in the right direction, I set aside a specific time each day that I need to go to the gym. Since I already had this schedule mapped out for my classes, I just added it in. I’m going to keep my shoes and clothes in my car and go right after I get out of class since I drive right by the gym anyways.


I printed out a few copies of this and stuck one on my fridge, one on my desk, and one in my car. There is no way I can forget about it this way. Chances are, I’ll feel extremely guilty if I skip a workout because I’ll have a constant reminder wherever I go.


I also made this calendar to tape next to my schedule. I made it a very basic plan to give myself some wiggle room if I decide to change my workout. I usually do a few strength training exercises every time I workout, but I will be doing a much longer and more focused routine on Wednesdays.

One last complaint before I end this post… It was just starting to get nice again. Now we’re getting pounded with this baby.


Snow day?


Guess I won’t be running outside anytime soon.


  1. Isn't it polite to give credit to the person you got the calendar idea from? ;)

  2. Hey Courts--glad to see you started posting again. I'd stopped checking to see if you had. Maybe you're suffering from SADD and that's why you can't get going......
    Love, Mom
